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Introduction to the Harness Platform

Intro course into the Harness Platform, its primary features and CD capabilities.

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About this course

In this self-paced, asynchronous hands-on course, you'll dive into the world of Harness, a powerful platform designed to streamline and enhance your software development and delivery processes.

Throughout this course, you'll explore essential concepts and features, including:

1. Lab Resources, Account, Organization, Project, Secrets: Get acquainted with the foundational elements of the Harness platform, from setting up your account and organization to managing projects and secrets securely.

2. Platform - Delegates: Learn to install and manage Delegates, crucial components for executing workflows and deployments within your infrastructure.

3. Platform - Connectors: Connect Harness seamlessly to your software development lifecycle (SDLC) systems using Connectors, facilitating smoother integration and collaboration.

4. Platform - Pipeline > Stage > Step: Dive into the core of SDLC orchestration with pipelines, stages, and steps, guiding your code through its journey from development to deployment.

5. Platform - Variables > Expressions > Input Sets: Harness the power of Variables, Expressions, and Input Sets to efficiently manage and reuse pipelines, optimizing your development processes.

6. Platform - Approvals > Notifications: Explore how to leverage Approvals and Notifications to maintain control and visibility over your pipelines, ensuring efficient monitoring and management.

7. Continuous Integration: Learn techniques to accelerate code building processes, enabling faster iteration and development cycles.

8. Continuous Delivery: Master the art of efficient and reliable software releases, ensuring smooth deployments and enhanced user experiences.

About this course

In this self-paced, asynchronous hands-on course, you'll dive into the world of Harness, a powerful platform designed to streamline and enhance your software development and delivery processes.

Throughout this course, you'll explore essential concepts and features, including:

1. Lab Resources, Account, Organization, Project, Secrets: Get acquainted with the foundational elements of the Harness platform, from setting up your account and organization to managing projects and secrets securely.

2. Platform - Delegates: Learn to install and manage Delegates, crucial components for executing workflows and deployments within your infrastructure.

3. Platform - Connectors: Connect Harness seamlessly to your software development lifecycle (SDLC) systems using Connectors, facilitating smoother integration and collaboration.

4. Platform - Pipeline > Stage > Step: Dive into the core of SDLC orchestration with pipelines, stages, and steps, guiding your code through its journey from development to deployment.

5. Platform - Variables > Expressions > Input Sets: Harness the power of Variables, Expressions, and Input Sets to efficiently manage and reuse pipelines, optimizing your development processes.

6. Platform - Approvals > Notifications: Explore how to leverage Approvals and Notifications to maintain control and visibility over your pipelines, ensuring efficient monitoring and management.

7. Continuous Integration: Learn techniques to accelerate code building processes, enabling faster iteration and development cycles.

8. Continuous Delivery: Master the art of efficient and reliable software releases, ensuring smooth deployments and enhanced user experiences.